Deng Ocean steht für Teamwork & Zuverlässigkeit
Deng Ocean Beijing Trading Ltd. ist die Weiterführung einer über 20 jährigen geschäftlichen Beziehung zwischen China und Deutschland. Seit 1982 sind wir im interkontinentalen Handel zwischen beiden Ländern Tätig – vornehmlich im Export chinesischer Produkte nach Deutschland.
Die Nachfrage nach deutschen Produkten für den chinesischen Markt steigt jedoch ständig an. Aus diesem Grund haben wir uns entschlossen, verschiedene Produkte aus dem Lebensmittel- und Kosmetikbereich in unser Exportsortiment für den Handelsraum China mit aufzunehmen.
In 2011 wurde die Deng Ocean Beijing Trading Ltd. als WFOE (Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprise) in China gegründet. Eine Korrespondenz in Hamburg ermöglicht der Deng Ocean Beijing Trading Ltd. einen regen Kontakt zum Export-Partner Deutschland; und natürlich auch einen Austausch über die Bedürfnisse und Nachfrage nach diversen Produkten vor Ort. Aus erster Hand erfahren wir, welche Güter gegenwärtig durch die einheimische Zielbevölkerung erwünscht sind. Aus diesem Grund können wir das Angebot perfekt an die Nachfrage anpassen.
Mission statement
The main focus of our import activities is towards the Chinese consumer markets. First and foremost the development of the Chinese middle class lead to a group of consumers who care very much for the quality of their products and have the means to afford them.
There has always been a strong luxury market in China. As described above we are aiming for a niche under this upper class. Our research suggests that here food and nutrition with a special focus on baby-products is in high demand. Apart from this segment we are however also looking towards cosmetics and trending products. As we see ourselves as a startup in this environment we are happy to embrace dynamics and use our flexibility to be competitive.
Vision & Values
What are values and do they apply globally or should there be an adjustment for culture? How to those form into a Vision?
We think that values have to be individually defined. Adapting values of a society or religion can be at best a perfect copy. We pride ourselves however in assuring that our values are routed within personal experiences and shared desires. The history and dreams of the people in our company make our values so to speak. Anyone choosing to get involved with Deng Ocean; be it young or old, male or female, Western or Eastern follows the same values.
These values include general principles of society such as are repeated in multiple religions. Additionally and trade-wise more importantly we have a strong code of ethics and morals. Hereby we define ethics as concepts that apply globally and ethics as such that apply individually. Our ethicsal code includes, but is not limited to:
- Equal opportunity – we do not differ between race, gender, origin or any other individual characteristic. This applies internally as much as externally when it comes to collaborations.
- Share of Wealth – we believe in the equal distribution of profits. Our staff is entitled to an adequate share of every project they undertake.
- Environmentally Conscious – throughout all levels we are looking to act with regard to our environment. This is not always easy when it comes to calculating margins, but our children shall thank us all one day.
Societies moral compass is as twitchy as one held over the poles, because the global economy and the worlds different cultures are to complex to be judged by one. We pride ourselves however in relating to the following principles in all countries and markets that we visit:
- Any work attempted is not to be so because of external motivation but because of a strong desire to find and fulfill ones purpose.
- Our own safety and integrity is not to be priced or adapted.
- In line with the above stated ethical code we feel obliged not to differ from its course for any personal reason.
- Demanding a share is the same as giving a share in respect to the partners of our collaborations.
Our Vision is therefore derived from our individual desires.
To form our perfect team one needs an experienced supplier, a knowledgeable processer and a skilled seller.
In accordance with all the above we can assure to offer:
- People working on supplying goods, because they have a strong desire to deliver the best quality with regards to price and ethics.
- People working on the import process meticulously because they are fully committed to finding the perfect channel with regards to price and ethics.
- People working on the distribution of our products with passion and force, because they do not aim to sell a product, but to find the perfect solution towards enhancing our clients’ market share with regards to price and ethics.